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Rijksweg 81
Naarden, Netherlands


Meet anywhere and manage meetings online.
Connecting corporations to meeting venues and conference hotels worldwide and simply source, manage and track meetings online.

Check out the coolest meeting & group booking tool worldwide
Booking conference hotels or unique meeting venues while managing your meeting spend has never been this simple.

Meetingselect is specialised in Meeting Management and offers solutions to corporates, meeting planners, travel agencies, OTA's, hotel chains & meeting venues and content aggregators.
Organizations can easily manage and control all the meeting & event spend while meeting planners & eventprofs make use of, the online meeting booking tool for reservations for meetings & events worldwide. Best adopted sourcing tool in the market with the best rates and conditions.

The online booking tool is the largest search engine based in Europe with more than 100.000 hotels and meeting venues worldwide.
Agencies, Hotels and Content Providers can make use of the white label/xml solutions to book all their client's meetings and group reservations instantly.

Best awarded venue sourcing tool | Online meeting & group reservations wordwide | > 100.000 hotels and > 500.000 meeting spaces | Meetings & Group Channel Manager | SMMP | Besides online always an experienced team with meeting planners at your service.

Meetingselect is a Deloitte Tech Fast 50 and 500 EMEA company for an amazing 5 years in a row. Awarded Deloitte's Most Sutainable Grower Deloitte Tech Fast 50.

Ranked nr. 1 female run tech company in The Netherlands, EY Winning Women and recently been nominated EY Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year 2017.

Also ranked in SproutChallenger Top100 and NextWomen100
In 2017 ranked Top 3 best performing companies in The Netherlands by FD Gazellen (Dutch Financial Times). Find out more


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